The Bell Tower

The Bell Tower Project was inspired by Valerie McNiven’s late father, created in his memory to recall the stories of his childhood through a piece of artwork that could be shared with their family. As a mischievous child growing up on a farm near Stayner, Ontario, in the 1930s and 40s, Donald McNiven would ring the bell of his school house, “and then run, like hell, as only the teacher was allowed to ring the bell.” Donald eventually moved west, but “always recalled his home in Ontario with fondness, and funny memories.” (Valerie Mcniven and Irys Miciak).

Together with Valerie, Paperhouse created an edition of handmade papers using plant material collected from the schoolhouse area as inclusions. We travelled to Stayner and visited the old schoolhouse, which is now home to Leishman Pottery, foraged day lilies from the grounds, and learnt about the history of the Bell Tower. Back at the studio, we deckle boxed green pigmented pulp and the day lilies into paper, and​ then, using flax​ pulp, painted poppies to one side. The Bell Tower was then illustrated and made into a letterpress polymer plate, and printed on the other side of the sheets. The result was an edition of 38 sheets of 8.5 x 11” letterpress printed handmade paper with abaca, cotton, flax, and day lilies.

Special thanks to Valerie McNiven, and Irys Miciak for trusting u​s with creating their precious memorabilia and for sharing their personal stories. Thank you to Leishman Pottery for their hospitality.

  • Concept: Valerie McNiven

  • Paper Design, Illustration and Master Papermaking: Flora Shum

  • Studio Assistants: Georgia Violin, Holly Allerellie, Sachin Mohindra

  • Paper made at Paperhouse Studio, letterpress printed at OCAD University